Selasa, 28 Mei 2013


a couple weekend's ago chris and i went on a little road trip to PA with jay and mo. we spent hours in jay's mom's kitchen helping them make gifts to give away at their wedding, which all of the sudden is now this weekend. whoa.

i love crafting with friends when they have no way out


may every weekend have at least one shoulder ride or photo op
knitting factory
williamsburg, ny

Senin, 27 Mei 2013


this weekend was my 31st birthday

we had planned to go camping for months, but just like everyone elses's plans for the weekend, the weather put a (literal) damper on that.

BUT since my husband and friends are so damn amazing we definitely made the best of it. chris and i camped in our living room friday night, watching a movie and eating popcorn in the tent with the kitties. they're pretty much camping pros now.

the next day we headed to PA with my closest friends to have a hotel party. we ended up crashing a graduation dance party, sang karaoke in the hotel bar, and had a late night bath tub glow stick party which was pretty awesome.

we followed that up with a BBQ at home on sunday and BOOM not only a solid birthday weekend, but an awesome memorial day too.

Kamis, 16 Mei 2013


14 of us girls traveled to charleston, sc for our good friend mo's bachelorette party last weekend. we kind of killed it.

there were inflatable pool toys, a frozen drink machine, a james murphy cardboard cutout, poolside massages and manis, a limo joy ride, fancy restaurant, a surprise private 90s cover band playing poolside at our house, boat rides, tubing, BBQing, seashell bras, and multiple glow stick drops.

no one else get married.
the bar is way too high.


Senin, 13 Mei 2013


i got home yesterday from the most epic four day bachelorette party ever in charlotte, sc

pictures and more of a story to come soon, but for now more sleep

Senin, 06 Mei 2013


i always love it when my family comes to visit us in nyc, especially now that we have the space for them to stay with us.

my dad and stepmom came for a quick weekend trip in april. we tooled around at the smorgasburg - i almost convinced my dad to try falafel for the first time, we walked the highline, ate tons of food and saw fleetwood mac at msg (which was soooo epic)

totally forgot to take pictures at 80% of those things i mentioned, but man was it nice to have them here.

Rabu, 01 Mei 2013


when i was little a neighbor told me that on May Day - May 1st - you're supposed to put a present on your friend's doorstep for them to find. it could be a basket of flowers or a small gift, but just something small and to make them smile. why? no explanation, that was just what you do.

i never cared to much about a Maypole (another may day activity), but every year i think about how i want to start this little gift tradition - how great it would be to leave surprise presents on the doorsteps of my friends every may 1st.

well another year and no presents on my friend's doorsteps.
oops. at least i wrote about it? i'm really gonna try harder next year.